Why WeChat has become the Hottest Messenger 2015 App


WeChat messenger app is the type of application that offers strong instant messaging capabilities in addition to video and voice calling functionality. WeChat that boasts of 600 million users across the world is one of the messenger applications that are taking the messaging app market by storm.

WeChat messenger app has grown bounds and leaps to be adjudged one of the biggest communication services worldwide. It is available on Windows Phone OSs, Symbian, BlackBerry, iOS and Android.

This wonderful application also works extraordinarily on desktop computers.

WeChat has more exciting features than WhatsApp, even though WhatsApp is no doubt the most popular IM app in the world at the moment.


Killer Features of WeChat Messaging App


With this feature, you can share those unforgettable moments with your friends all over the world. You can share what you are listening to, share what you are eating or share your pictures. You can also use this feature to select who can view your posts.

WeChat on your Computer

This is the feature lets people chat between Smartphones and computers. Look at the upper right of your device and click on the MAGIC WAND icon and choose WEB WECHAT. You can get Web WeChat on multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari. WeChat also has an application premeditated for Mac. Therefore, WeChat tries to deliver you the best cross-platform communication experience possible, whether you are chatting on your desktop, Smartphone or tablet.

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This is the feature that allows for expression of emotions and all and sundry loves emoticons. WeChat messaging app has customizable emoticons. You can also add your own emoticons by downloading them from other sites, apart from the huge number of free emoticons that WeChat provides.


If you want to get some new friends but do not know where to start, all you need to do is to use this feature to shake your Smartphone and see the person who is also shaking his Smartphone at that time. It is such a great feature that you can use to connect with new people across the globe and also to kill tedium.

Drift Bottle

This is another great feature that lets you meet new people. You can use drift bottle feature to send message to someone from any part of the world. On the other hand, the person can reply or ignore the message.

Video Call

WeChat allows the users make one on one video calls, just like Viber, Google Hangouts and Skype. Furthermore, the video call feature will allow users to make free calls on VoIP.

Look Around

This is the feature that will allow you look around for new friends and friends that are physically close to you. For you to use this feature, go to the SOCIAL tab and choose LOOK AROUND to see who is close by. WeChat App is rapidly becoming the most popular instant messaging app in the world, with a lot of engaging and unique features that keep the users coming back for more, WeChat reigns supreme on tablets, desktop or Smartphones.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at Downloadwechatfree.com is a team of WordPress Marketing Experts led by Mary Anne. Page maintained by Mary Anne.

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