WeChat App crossed the line of 800 Million active users


Messaging apps are the best way for interacting with millions people around the world. The new technology has brought the new opportuities in our lives and we suddenly became more occupied with a bunch of online things. In the 21st century, we can see divided world among the East and west so it is not strange why the messaging app market follows the same trend. The west-oriented countires are particularly obsessed by Facebook, Twitter and Whats app. On the other hand, east countires as Japan and China have other options and WeChat app is one of them.

After it appeared on the smartphone market, WeChat has marked incredible increase in the number of users. Those days the trend stayed the same and now we have the sitiation that the Tencant app is the fast-growing messaging app in the world. If we take a closer look at We Chat‘s progress we can seee some regularities in that.

First of all, let‘s take a look at the year 2013 when WeChat Messenger became the relevant option. The first quarter of the year brought 200 million users to the Chinese developer in the record time. By the end of 2013, this messaging app reached a point of 355 millions users. Moving onto the year 2014, we can say that provider had nearly 450 million active users and then, in the end of the year, came to the point of 500 million users.

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The following years were of the same importance for the Chinese company. Firstly, the beginning of 2015 brought the number of 550 million users, which by the end of the year turned in incredible rate of nearly 700 million people on the app. It is than nothnig new that WeChat continued in the same style and now reached the point of 806 million active users. Compared to the last year we can notice that the number has risen for almost 35%. However, this is not all as the Chinese ginat has the intention to progress further and all the perspectives are on its side.

At the end of the day, it‘s the question of time when the one billion point will be crossed. The company made real effort to become world leader and we must appreciate the excellance it showed.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at Downloadwechatfree.com is a team of WordPress Marketing Experts led by Mary Anne. Page maintained by Mary Anne.

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